The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Blog Archive

Jul 31, 2009


What am I missing!?!!!!

Pelosi thinks we need to invest another 2 billion dollars - WE DON'T HAVE - for the cash for clunkers plan?

I don't know about you but my clunkers are paid for. I can't afford a car payment OR a new car. The incentive doesn't work because, well, we like not having debt and we like the fact we can continue living when one of us loses a job. We enjoy being able to feed our children. We enjoy not having a car payment! We enjoy NOT having debt collectors calling asking for a payment, because the economy took a dump and we've lost income, can't pay our bills. I REALLY enjoy not living that life anymore. We also really like being able to work on our own car when it does need repair.

I would think that a lot of people who have cars that are paid for are either financially responsible, managing their money OR are poorerererer.... and can't afford a new car. Green or not.... can't afford it.

And WE, the USA, cannot afford to dump another 2 BILLION dollars - did I say we don't have it? - into this program. Ahhhhh, government.

Jul 30, 2009

Oh NO! Not the Mountain Dew!!!

This is for all my Mt. Dew loving, drinking, injecting (not really pa) high school buddies. And, crap. 18 minutes of jogging for one can of soda? You're kidding me! I'd better make it a Mt. Dew then so I can have enough of a high/jolt/rush that I can triple my run.

KIRO: Dave Ross Show

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 9:00am
That soda tax didn't last long

Wednesday's commentary:

I heard this shocking statistic on CNN:

"A can of pop, soda, whatever you want to call it; it takes the average woman 18 minutes to jog off a can of soda."

Which is why, briefly, there was some talk in Congress of a soda tax to raise money to pay for health care reform.

But it was instantly shot down for the usual reasons. Today a soda tax, tomorrow it’s a user fee on Corn Dogs.

How long before Mountain Dew is a felony? What happens when sugar-deprived teens start injecting themselves with smuggled high fructose corn syrup?

The soft drink industry even ran an ad showing a family camping in the woods and enjoying delicious sugary beverages – to point out that if you tax soda, you might as well close the national parks.

Yes, I’m exaggerating.

So the soda tax, once again, is going nowhere, because the right to cheap soda is sacred, but the obesity studies keep coming. Over 26% of adults are now obese, and their health problems cost $147 billion a year, double what it was ten years ago. And as usual it’s worse for African American women, Hispanics, Native Americans, and poor people.

Bringing us to the ultimate argument – as a piece in the Wall Street Journal pointed out, a soda tax would hurt the poor. Because the poor, apparently really enjoy soda.

Well if that that’s the argument, why do we have a food stamp program forcing so much free food on them? Of course they can’t jog; we’re making it so they can’t even move.

Jul 29, 2009

Autobiography in Five short Chapters

I found this in a book I was perusing yesterday. Like it. Here's to the other street.

Portia Nelson

CH 1

I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.
I am lost - I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

CH 2

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in this same place. But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.


I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it there. I still fall in... it's a habit... but, my eyes are open.
I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

CH 4

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

CH 5

I walk down another street.

Jul 23, 2009

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Featured Seattle-area Video On Demand | Seattle News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather |

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The best guns for home defense

I am not a gun owner. I was raised with guns however. I have shot a few rifles. As a teen I did not particularly like the boom and the kick. It was not my #1 choice of how to spend my time. My sisters however, were hunters and loved guns. My daughter seems to have an accurate eye for shooting and enjoys it (with proper ear plugs).

As our country is changing, combined with my conspiracy theorist mind (I am well flocked by fellow conspirators), I have had many thoughts & voiced the opinion that it is important for our children to know how to defend themselves - and they don't. Unfortunately, our society takes any thought that may be contrary to their own, when in relation to conservative vs. liberal, and radicalizes it. So for me to express an opinion that my children should know how to use a firearm, well I am a radical! Guns are bad! No, they aren't. The softening of our following generations is bad because it allows them to be taken over & ruled by the incoming socialist government! Boys are told told to stop being aggressive, stop playing guns, stop being BOYS, soften up, lighten up - because the underlying movement is to be able to groom an entire generation or two to be controlled. Okay, radical.

Anywho, I love The Art of Manliness. And today's blog is on The Best Guns for Home Defense. Here it is. I'm on my way - uh, never mind.

Proper Grammar

Me, who has been dutifully flogged for my improper use of "then" and "than", by my conspiring present husband and father.... is sometimes painfully aware of proper grammer, er grammar. Proper speaking, proper spelling, proper grammar were a constant teaching in our household growing up, thanks to my very literate father.

I regretfully admit to relaxing my tongue and brain in the past 5 years or so (it's Matt's fault! It's the teen's fault! It's society! It's....them, not me, right?) and allowing slang & silence fillers to be uttered off my tongue.

So, as I type this line to my good friend Pete this morning:

"A person is shot. There is no gun present. The way the body is obliterated from the shot, there isn't a stream of blood leading to the body so he probably didn't do it himself somewhere else, leave the gun and then walk himself to where his body now lays."

Edit "lies". That looks wrong. "he lays, his body lies". Still doesn't look right.

Edit - delete... think... lays, lies, is "lies" spelled differently? Ly.... no!


"...then walk himself to where his body now - rests".

Yea, that's it.

Jul 22, 2009

The new healthcare plan

If you go to this website, should reach Dori Monson's shows. Go to listen to past shows and choose the 1pm hour for yesterday, 7/21/09. Dr. Betsey McCaughey (Mick-COY) speaks on the current health plan that she has reviewed in full. She is a democrat, a liberal and a patient advocate. She states she cannot support this plan for any patient and very concerned.

Her points:

Previously discussed citizens would have an option of federal care vs. personal coverage. The plan will force everyone at some point to conform with the "legal requirement" of being on this federal plan.

The plan shuts down the ability to seek specialized care.

Page 425.

Counseling to the elderly every 5 years on ending their lives. Nourishment & antibiotic withholding.

The doctor behind this she says argues that people with disabilities or diseases do not contribute to society.

1000+ pages, how many americans do you think are actually reading this?


I thought I would pass on to help awareness. It reminds me of Hitler's thinking.

If this is true (and I have more to read on it), I am concerned our president would support it. Anyone making this vote should have read this thoroughly and if they want to support this type of federal mandate which will make a decision whether you, I, our children, our parents - are worthy of living, worthy of receiving health care because it's paid for by the government, they should no longer be in power of America.

Jul 20, 2009

Don't drink and type....

I'm breaking my own rule tonight. I am really in a foul mood. I try to bring an uplifting, helpful "conduit" atmosphere to my blog but you know, tonight, I'm just plain sick and tired of being responsible.

McKenna and I had a pretty large blow up this afternoon, upon picking her up from Bellevue Symphony Camp. This was what I thought was going to be a pretty nice, bonding time and you know, she was simply ready for a fight. She had decided that it was too tough (after 6 hours of camp) and didn't want to try out in 2 months for the Symphony.

Fine, this blog is not about that. The argument that ensued was about her incredibly smart and disrespectful mouth. Her appalling attitude (where did that girl come from?). The boiled down fact that while we are going through some pretty serious medical issues with her right now, her other parent is obviously absent.

The reality that in our family (and many, many out in the world), there are numerous parents that have chosen the easy path of bowing out of their parental responsibilities. The fact that there are children paying the emotional price of that and a responsible parent (and grandparents) who are picking up the slack on all sides of the parenting pathway.

And yes, tonight - it's really gotten to me. I do well at never say anything negative about the father to the kids. But the older they get and being the target of all of their negative feelings & missing the other parent - well sometimes it really wears me down and I am plain sick of those that choose irresponsibility - leaving the hard work and hard years to other people. (yes, I do realize the rewards, I'm venting tonight)

I told McKenna tonight during our heated "debate' - "it's not about cleaning your room. It's about being a responsible person so 4 years from now you are able to simply take care of yourself. Not expecting others to take care of you, not taking care of others but able to be a responsible adult." Is that too much to ask?

I love my kids. They say that girls are more difficult during the teen years, while boys are more difficult during the younger years. So is it my experience as the eldest that blesses me with a teen girl and a young boy at the same time?

Pray for me friends - because I cringe as I fear that she is too much an apple off of my tree and "rewards" as a parent sometimes are just - paybacks. Tonight, the box under the bridge and a soup kitchen sounds mighty appealing. And I mean this with all the sarcastic attitude I can muster.

Jul 17, 2009

Our next extreme sport?

Matt called the other day, said he knew what we should be training for after the half marathon. Oh really? Yes, this... I think the lack of oxygen from his skydiving last week has gotten to his brain.

(no embedding option on the video so you'll have to go to the site... sssorry!)

Jul 16, 2009

Is the next "Susan Boyle" a singer from Seattle?

NY Times: Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?

I stumbled across this today as I was looking for a quote I heard in church this weekend about people educating themselves with so much knowledge, they become dumb. This article states many thoughts I've had myself - down to the last sentence about our "culture of distraction".


A popular video on YouTube shows Kellie Pickler, the adorable platinum blonde from “American Idol,” appearing on the Fox game show “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” during celebrity week. Selected from a third-grade geography curriculum, the $25,000 question asked: “Budapest is the capital of what European country?”

Ms. Pickler threw up both hands and looked at the large blackboard perplexed. “I thought Europe was a country,” she said. Playing it safe, she chose to copy the answer offered by one of the genuine fifth graders: Hungary. “Hungry?” she said, eyes widening in disbelief. “That’s a country? I’ve heard of Turkey. But Hungry? I’ve never heard of it.”

Such, uh, lack of global awareness is the kind of thing that drives Susan Jacoby, author of “The Age of American Unreason,” up a wall. Ms. Jacoby is one of a number of writers with new books that bemoan the state of American culture.

Joining the circle of curmudgeons this season is Eric G. Wilson, whose “Against Happiness” warns that the “American obsession with happiness” could “well lead to a sudden extinction of the creative impulse, that could result in an extermination as horrible as those foreshadowed by global warming and environmental crisis and nuclear proliferation.”

Then there is Lee Siegel’s “Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob,” which inveighs against the Internet for encouraging solipsism, debased discourse and arrant commercialization. Mr. Siegel, one might remember, was suspended by The New Republic for using a fake online persona in order to trash critics of his blog (“you couldn’t tie Siegel’s shoelaces”) and to praise himself (“brave, brilliant”).

Ms. Jacoby, whose book came out on Tuesday, doesn’t zero in on a particular technology or emotion, but rather on what she feels is a generalized hostility to knowledge. She is well aware that some may tag her a crank. “I expect to get bashed,” said Ms. Jacoby, 62, either as an older person who upbraids the young for plummeting standards and values, or as a secularist whose defense of scientific rationalism is a way to disparage religion.

Ms. Jacoby, however, is quick to point out that her indictment is not limited by age or ideology. Yes, she knows that eggheads, nerds, bookworms, longhairs, pointy heads, highbrows and know-it-alls have been mocked and dismissed throughout American history. And liberal and conservative writers, from Richard Hofstadter to Allan Bloom, have regularly analyzed the phenomenon and offered advice.

T. J. Jackson Lears, a cultural historian who edits the quarterly review Raritan, said, “The tendency to this sort of lamentation is perennial in American history,” adding that in periods “when political problems seem intractable or somehow frozen, there is a turn toward cultural issues.”

But now, Ms. Jacoby said, something different is happening: anti-intellectualism (the attitude that “too much learning can be a dangerous thing”) and anti-rationalism (“the idea that there is no such things as evidence or fact, just opinion”) have fused in a particularly insidious way.

Not only are citizens ignorant about essential scientific, civic and cultural knowledge, she said, but they also don’t think it matters.

She pointed to a 2006 National Geographic poll that found nearly half of 18- to 24-year-olds don’t think it is necessary or important to know where countries in the news are located. So more than three years into the Iraq war, only 23 percent of those with some college could locate Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel on a map.

Ms. Jacoby, dressed in a bright red turtleneck with lipstick to match, was sitting, appropriately, in that temple of knowledge, the New York Public Library’s majestic Beaux Arts building on Fifth Avenue. The author of seven other books, she was a fellow at the library when she first got the idea for this book back in 2001, on 9/11.

Walking home to her Upper East Side apartment, she said, overwhelmed and confused, she stopped at a bar. As she sipped her bloody mary, she quietly listened to two men, neatly dressed in suits. For a second she thought they were going to compare that day’s horrifying attack to the Japanese bombing in 1941 that blew America into World War II:

“This is just like Pearl Harbor,” one of the men said.

The other asked, “What is Pearl Harbor?”

“That was when the Vietnamese dropped bombs in a harbor, and it started the Vietnam War,” the first man replied.

At that moment, Ms. Jacoby said, “I decided to write this book.”

Ms. Jacoby doesn’t expect to revolutionize the nation’s educational system or cause millions of Americans to switch off “American Idol” and pick up Schopenhauer. But she would like to start a conversation about why the United States seems particularly vulnerable to such a virulent strain of anti-intellectualism. After all, “the empire of infotainment doesn’t stop at the American border,” she said, yet students in many other countries consistently outperform American students in science, math and reading on comparative tests.

In part, she lays the blame on a failing educational system. “Although people are going to school more and more years, there’s no evidence that they know more,” she said.

Ms. Jacoby also blames religious fundamentalism’s antipathy toward science, as she grieves over surveys that show that nearly two-thirds of Americans want creationism to be taught along with evolution.

Ms. Jacoby doesn’t leave liberals out of her analysis, mentioning the New Left’s attacks on universities in the 1960s, the decision to consign African-American and women’s studies to an “academic ghetto” instead of integrating them into the core curriculum, ponderous musings on rock music and pop culture courses on everything from sitcoms to fat that trivialize college-level learning.

Avoiding the liberal or conservative label in this particular argument, she prefers to call herself a “cultural conservationist.”

For all her scholarly interests, though, Ms. Jacoby said she recognized just how hard it is to tune out the 24/7 entertainment culture. A few years ago she participated in the annual campaign to turn off the television for a week. “I was stunned at how difficult it was for me,” she said.

The surprise at her own dependency on electronic and visual media made her realize just how pervasive the culture of distraction is and how susceptible everyone is — even curmudgeons.

Jul 15, 2009

From the mouths of babes....

Yesterday, on the way to drop the 3 younger ones at school, we were discussing reorganizing rooms in the house. Ryan mentioned he wanted to share the room with the younger girls. Ryan, being our only boy, sometimes feels a bit lonely so he thought this would be a great idea.

I explained that brothers & sisters can't share rooms... that the law states (I heard) that once over the age of 10 years old, sisters and brothers have to have separate rooms. They wanted to know why. Well.... you know, at about 10, kids start changing, they are growing up, girls bodies start changing (our 10 year old starts giggling)....

Ryan says "yea, "it" (the body) becomes a Asoka!" The girls bust up laughing and I, confused parent, say "what's a Soka?" -

Ryan says "the girls in Star Wars, Clone Wars!". I start laughing because he was perfectly correct. They become very well developed, small waisted, larger hipped, attractive and sexual Asoka's.

He knew exactly what was happening! ;O)

PI: Too Sexy too soon

I love articles that vindicate my "paranoid, uptight" parenting style. When McKenna turned 5, being tall for her age, we had to move over to the size 7 clothing area. That was when the new style for GIRLS was to write something on the seat of their pants, drawing the eye to the rear end of your young daughters. The shirts got shorter and the pants lower. I hated that style and only saw it as the sexualization of our daughters. Why do we want people looking at the butt, the belly, the hips of our 5 year old???? If we think that sick minded perverts aren't running the fashion industry of this nation, we need to wake up & stop giving in. If we think when our daughters are dressing like that - that they aren't drawing unwanted attention by boys AND men - a bit naive. So I've tried to hold on to my strict rules of dressing as long as I've been a parent. I have to say it's been difficult the taller McKenna gets though. Slowly, over the last 6 months, several articles have been released, supporting what I've been saying for years. And yes, I do love being right - because it happens so rarely. But when it's important, I want to shout it from the mountain tops. And this is important. It's our daughters who are going to rule this country! This past weekend we had to have a talk with Kayla (15) about respecting herself and the importance of dressing in a way that support her respect for her body. Being in control of herself instead of trying to meet everyone else's standards. As she rolled her shorts up under her butt cheeks and the top of her shorts down to just above the pubic area - why? because that's how the rest of the girls were dressed at the lake and she felt the need to compete. Matt and I comment about how some people obviously don't have mirrors before they leave the house (or missing the bottom half of them) and how many parents either don't know what their kids are wearing or don't care. In a lot of cases these YOUNG young girls, 10, 11, 12, 13 are wearing practically nothing and well, it's just not right. At the girls junior high this last year I was very often shocked to see the clothing allowed on campus. The schools have gone to such a drastic position of not imposing any standards on students, that girls wearing mini skirts so small you're afraid of them moving, is allowed. It was so blatantly allowed, I often wondered if it was because of a twisted liking for the view around campus. Often we would get email at home, reinforcing the dress code and that kids would be sent home, then to show up & pick up the girls to see GIRLS wearing next to nothing. And this is an affluent area. What happened to standards? Where are ours? Okay, I've had caffeine and my soap box is on. Thank you for your indulgence. Here's the article.

While it may seem cute when a 5-year-old copies the hip-shaking dance moves she sees on TV, it's also one of the first signs of how the adult concept of "sexiness" is being sold to younger and younger kids today, say Diane E. Levin, Ph.D., and Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D.

In their new book, So Sexy So Soon, the authors explore a culture where grade-schoolers want to dress like go-go dancers, 10-year-old boys have seen Internet porn, and 13-year-olds talk casually about oral sex. Here, Kilbourne discusses how childhood is changing, and what parents can do to protect their kids:

What's different about how little girls are acting and dressing today?

We used to dress up in our mother's clothes. Now little girls are dressing up as sexy teenagers, and there are clothes being marketed to them that look like they are from Victoria's Secret. I see little girls wearing strapless black numbers to the school dance! As a result, girls are getting the message that not only is it important to be pretty but it is also important to be hot and sexy. Research clearly shows that this pressure is damaging to girls' self-esteem.

How does this affect their relationships with boys?

Girls have always gotten the message that it's important to attract boys, but we used to get it a little later, when we were 12 or 13; now they're getting it as early as 6 or 7. Girls in grade school are competing with each other to see who's the hottest, and then boys are learning that's how they should look at girls. It sets up a dynamic that does an enormous amount of harm. Little boys learn to look at girls as objects rather than as friends.

What happens as kids get older?

When a girl has learned early on that what matters most is how sexy she is, then by the time she hits the tween years, the message is already deep in her psyche and it just becomes louder and more harmful. Sex gets speeded up � 12- and 13-year-olds are doing what 16-year-olds used to do, and by the time they're 16, many are already blas� about casual sex. That's when you hear about "friends with benefits" and kids thinking about sex as being separate from a relationship. This not only puts them at physical risk for STDs, unwanted pregnancy, or even date rape, but they also lose the chance to develop the empathy and compassion that are necessary to make intimate relationships work later on.

What can moms do?

When your children are younger, you can limit their exposure to certain media. As kids get older, stay familiar with what they are listening to and watching. Ask them why they like certain songs or clothes so you can open up a dialogue about it. It's so important to start talking to your kids about sexuality and relationships as early as possible, in an age-appropriate way. If they know they can ask you anything and they will not be punished or shamed for it, that will pay off in incredible dividends when they hit their teenage years. When kids feel like they can talk to you, they will.

Reprinted with Permission of Hearst Communications, Inc. Originally Published: Too Sexy Too Soon

Jul 8, 2009

McKy's flight delayed - Turtles?

Turtles on Tarmac Delay JFK Flights

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Ascent of Money (pbs), Niall Ferguson

Excellent DVD - I recommend it to everyone. I think this would be great for junior high and high schoolers as well. Excellent review of the ascent of money, produced this year so includes Enron, stock market crash, great depression, housing market/mortgage crash, sub prime lending beginnings, red lining - we learned a lot.

Stupidity should be banned...

Elementary teacher makes year end video for her 5th grade students - and doesn't preview it first??????

Lesson to those of you that may video your extra curricular activities... preview preview preview preview!

The horror.... to the students!!!!

Jul 6, 2009

Prescription Drug Abuse

MSN: Coroner: Prescription Drugs Killing our Young

MSN:Prescription drug abuse ravages state's youth

Kentucky officials see an ‘epidemic’; officials say drugs coming from Florida
By Mark Potter
NBC News
updated 5:17 a.m. PT, Mon., July 6, 2009

MOREHEAD, Ky. — Late in the morning last New Year's Day, Sam and Lynn Kissick received a devastating phone call that would tear their lives apart.

The caller informed them their 22-year-old daughter, Savannah, was being rushed by ambulance to the St. Claire Regional Medical Center in Morehead, Ky. She had long battled drug addiction, but it looked like this time, Savannah had overdosed on a combination of painkillers and sedatives while celebrating New Year's Eve.

After racing to the emergency room to be by Savannah's side, her parents were met by a physician with grim news. "I'm sorry, Mr. And Mrs. Kissick, but she didn't make it," he said.

Savannah had just become the latest fatality linked to prescription drug abuse, a fast-growing problem that killed more than 8,500 Americans in 2005, according to the latest available statistics from the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration says nearly 7 million Americans currently abuse prescription drugs, noting that is "more than the number who are abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, ecstasy and inhalants combined." The DEA also reports that "opioid painkillers now cause more overdose deaths than cocaine and heroin combined."

"Something needs to be done, because it's killing our kids every day." said Lynn Kissick. "People need to stand up and take notice. Our kids are dying. They're dying because of these drugs."

A regional ‘epidemic’
While the problem exists in every state in the country, Kentucky led the nation in the use of prescription drugs for non-medical purposes during the last year, according to the state's Office of Drug Control Policy. Officials said prescription drug abuse is particularly acute in the cities and rural areas of Eastern Kentucky.

Last year alone, at least 485 people died in Kentucky from prescription drug overdoses, according to the state's Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Medical Examiners' records indicate the drugs most commonly found in those death cases were methadone, the painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone, alprazolam (Xanax), morphine, diazepam (Valium) and fentanyl.

"It's an epidemic and I'm afraid we're losing a whole generation," said Beth Lewis Maze, the Chief Circuit Judge for the 21st Judicial Circuit in Kentucky. "These pain medications are so highly addictive that these young people are digging themselves a very deep hole."

In the region's newly formed drug court, Maze sees the ravages of prescription drug abuse at all levels of society. "I see good kids from good families, doctors, lawyers, teachers," she said.

Greenup County Coroner Neil Wright calls prescription drug abuse "public enemy number one." Half of the 50 deaths he logged last year were drug related, and "85 to 90 percent" of those calls involved prescription pill overdoses. "It affects everybody. I don't care, rich, poor, educated or non-educated, it affects everybody."

Down the street, Greenup County Sheriff Keith Cooper dug through the many evidence bags his deputies have filled with prescription pill bottles and cash seized during drug arrests.

"We are drowning in a sea of prescription medication," said Cooper, who complained about the skyrocketing number of crimes committed by addicts searching for money to buy painkillers.

"It affects, quite literally, every kind, every type of crime that we have, the burglaries, the thefts, the accidents, the domestic disputes between families. It's breaking families up."

In neighboring Rowan County, where Savannah Kissick died, Chief Deputy Sheriff Roger Holbrook was arrested recently on federal charges that he had conspired to distribute oxycodone.

Crowded rehabilitation clinics
Pastor Wayne Ross runs the Shepherd’s Shelter adult drug and alcohol treatment center in Mount Sterling, Ky. His 50 available beds are filled with residents struggling to recover from drug addiction, almost all of them from prescription pill habits.

Savannah Kissick was one of his clients, and she had graduated from the recovery program. Her return to drug abuse and her death from an overdose shook Ross and the clinic staff members who had worked hard for her success.

"I cried, it breaks my heart," said Ross, who officiated at Savannah's funeral. "She's not the only one. We've been directly involved with five different people who have OD'd. Three of the funerals I did, myself, as a minister. It just breaks my heart."

Kay Fultz, 36, is also from Morehead, Ky. and is currently a resident of the Shepherd’s Shelter who said that at the height of her addiction, she was taking as many as 50 oxycodone pain pills a day and was dealing drugs to support her own habit.

"It just starts out as a party drug, you know, every now and then," Fultz said. "Once you start doing it every day, I mean it just takes compete control of your life."

Finding a prescription drug supply was easy for Fultz. "It's very simple to get. It's everywhere," she said. But once addicted, the costs are severe. "I've lost everything. I've lost everything and it's so easy to do."

Florida connection
During a recent classroom session at his clinic, Ross asked the residents where they bought their prescription drugs. Every person in the room had either traveled to Florida to obtain the medications, or had purchased drugs from someone else who had bought prescription painkillers there.

Florida has become notorious as a destination for addicts and drug dealers from around the southeastern United States. They are drawn to the many pain clinics in Florida, some of which dispense hundreds of painkillers at a time after only a cursory medical exam.

"You can go down there and within 24 hours have everything you need," said Fultz, who added that the medical exam she was given at a Florida pain clinic, where she pretended to suffer from pain, was not at all professional.

"I mean, they look at your MRI, ask you how you are feeling — ‘I'm feeling pretty bad’ — and you leave there with pills."

Sam Kissick, Savannah’s father, believes the drugs that killed his daughter came from Florida.

"From where I'm sitting, it looks like they're handing it out like candy on Halloween," he said. "Anybody that goes down there can come back with carloads of pills, and then they're dumped out on our streets."

To addicts in Kentucky, Florida is “like the promised land,” said Cooper, the Greenup County sheriff.

Local police, federal agents and medical officials in Florida are targeting illicit prescription drug sales. The state legislature recently passed, and Gov. Charlie Crist signed, a law to regulate and monitor pain clinics, although the procedure won't be fully implemented until late next year.

Kentucky and most other states already have such monitoring laws in place, making it much more difficult for addicts and dealers to buy large amounts of prescription medication by going from clinic to clinic – a common practice in Florida.

Families left behind
Karen Shay, a dentist in Morehead, Ky., also knows too well the cost and pain of prescription drug abuse. Two years ago, her 19-year-old daughter, Sarah, died from an overdose after partying with friends, who dropped her body off at a hospital and drove away.

Sarah Shay and Savannah Kissick had been childhood friends.

"We have two young ladies that were beautiful, talented and intelligent, had the world by the tail, could have done anything and they're gone,” Shay said. “They're gone."

In her work, Shay also sees the desperation of drug addicts, some of whom have visited her office seeking pain medication for fake dental problems. Because of Kentucky's prescription monitoring law, Shay is able to run computer checks on patients she suspects of doctor-shopping for painkillers and turns many of them away.

"If [the painkillers are] taken the way they're supposed to be, it's a very powerful, helpful drug. But when they're not taken the way they're supposed to, then it becomes a killer," she said. "It's amazing when you look in the paper, how many people have died from drug abuse. "

During a recent visit to the cemetery where Sarah is interred, Shay cleared away the dying flower petals and placed a colorful pinwheel below her daughter's crypt. Looking upward to the plaque showing Sarah's name and picture, she quietly spoke the words, "Hi, Baby," then bowed her head.

"When you lose somebody like that, it puts a hole in your heart that nothing else will ever fill," she said.

For the Kissicks, whose loss is more recent and raw, anger mingles with grief.

"It's time that people were held accountable for what's happening. I think it's time that someone was held responsible,” Lynn Kissick said.

The parents want to raise awareness about the problem so that others don’t have to endure their pain.

"The drugs, they don't discriminate and it can happen to anybody," said Sam Kissick. "You may never have any idea that your child is exploring or fooling with prescription drugs at all, until they've already gone too far with it."

Sitting at their dining room table recently, Savannah's parents sorted through colorful photographs of their daughter.

"She had a beautiful smile," said Lynn. In a quiet voice, Sam agreed, "That she did."

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Jul 2, 2009

Missing local 10 yr old girl

Thought I would send this out. She's been gone from this area for a few days. Walking 1/2 mile home from a friends house at 9-10pm the other night. Disappeared. Per story, looks like they are looking for signs of an abductor, as in signs of strange behavior. The attached story has her photo. Many of you are in Oregon, which is along the I5 corridor, where someone could be driving away with her. Hope they find her. Reinforced my often labeled "paranoia" as a mom. That's a label I can live with.

McCLEARY, Wash. (AP) - After nearly a week the search for a missing McCleary girl is tapering off.

Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott say investigators are reviewing the case. They still would like to talk to anyone who may have seen anything unusual in McCleary between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Friday when Lindsey Baum was walking home from a friend's house.

Scott also is urging people to report any unusual behavior that might point to an abductor, such as suddenly cutting or dyeing hair, an unexplained absence from work or cuts or bruises on the arms and face.

Lindsey is 4 foot-9, 80 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes, last seen wearing a light blue hooded pullover shirt and blue jeans.

Jul 1, 2009

Dave Ross Today: Apologies to Willie Nelson

A good chuckle this morning - happy singing!

South Carolina Gov Mark Sanford publicly declared his Argentine mistress his soul mate yesterday, and ALSO admitted that he (QUOTE) crossed lines with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage, though he wouldn't specify what lines.

But he does remain an anti-stimulus fiscal conservative, and he will try to save his career. (*) And why not -- as we all know, behind every successful man, there's a good woman, or maybe several.


To all the girls I've crossed lines with before
Who slipped behind my hotel door
I lusted in my heart and a couple other parts
But then that's what hotels are for.

To all the girls who shared my life,
While they were someone else's wife.
Good Christian that I am,
I pray for all your men
And ask that they please spare my life

And as for all the sins I hid
At least it's not like Clinton did
My Argentenian guitars
Are nothing close to his cigars.

To all the girls who shared their souls with me
You're all the stimulus I need
No matter what the critics say,
at least it wasn't gay
Because tradition means that much to me.

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