The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Blog Archive

Jul 23, 2009

Proper Grammar

Me, who has been dutifully flogged for my improper use of "then" and "than", by my conspiring present husband and father.... is sometimes painfully aware of proper grammer, er grammar. Proper speaking, proper spelling, proper grammar were a constant teaching in our household growing up, thanks to my very literate father.

I regretfully admit to relaxing my tongue and brain in the past 5 years or so (it's Matt's fault! It's the teen's fault! It's society! It's....them, not me, right?) and allowing slang & silence fillers to be uttered off my tongue.

So, as I type this line to my good friend Pete this morning:

"A person is shot. There is no gun present. The way the body is obliterated from the shot, there isn't a stream of blood leading to the body so he probably didn't do it himself somewhere else, leave the gun and then walk himself to where his body now lays."

Edit "lies". That looks wrong. "he lays, his body lies". Still doesn't look right.

Edit - delete... think... lays, lies, is "lies" spelled differently? Ly.... no!


"...then walk himself to where his body now - rests".

Yea, that's it.

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