The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Blog Archive

Aug 24, 2009

Avalon - Everything to Me

A band who's music touched me in the hardest parts of my life. Still brings tears to my eyes - His gracious and immense love to, yes, even me. (Rebecca)

I grew up in Sunday school, I memorized the Golden Rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out,
and I can tell you all about the path that led Him up to Calvary

But ask me why He loves me, and I don't know what to say
I'll never be the same because He changed my life when He became...

Everything to me
He's more than a story
More than words on a page of history
He is the air that I breathe, the water I thirst for
And the ground beneath my feet
He's everything, everything to me

We're living in uncertain times
And more and more I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be
I wanna tell the world I've found, a love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now everyday I'm prayingjust to give my heart away
I wanna live for Jesus, so that someone else might see that He is...

And lookin' back over my life at the end,
I'll go to meet You, saying You've been..

Everything to me
More than a story
More than words on a page of history

Everything, You're the water I thirst for
You're everything to me, Jesus, oh
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
The air I breathe, the song I sing -
You're my life, my love -


Aug 20, 2009

FOTF Women & Mid-Life Crisis

This is a radio broadcast from Focus on the Family. This was a fascinating and informative broadcast, for both men & women. This is part 5 of a 6 part series. Very quick, 5 minute segments. I will try & publish the rest but if you want the link to the broadcast (and numerous others on ALL topics of life) let me know.


John Fuller (JF) & James Dobson (JD) interview Jim Conway (JC) and his wife Sally Conway (SC). They are experts on the middle years and they are discussing ways to help women manage that mid life crisis.

"There’s a common understanding that men go through a mid life crisis sometime in mid 30’s early 40’s. But women also go through a mid life crisis."

JD: Let’s get specific – how do you head off a mid-life crisis?

JC: If we can get husbands first of all to realize his wife, as well as he a little later on, are both going to go through a transition where they are going to be rethinking who they are, what they want to do with their life and what their values will be. It’s not a bad thing, it’s not an unspiritual thing but it’s a normal rethinking process. He needs to be prepared to have time enough to allow that to happen in her life so that he is not just using her to make his career successful. See that is what I was doing with Sally, I was using her to keep my church ministry going - now don’t demand any time of your own because you’ll take that away from my ministry.

JD: I think one of the most difficult realities that a young man has to face is that he is brought up to see his career as an all consuming effort and he marries this helpmate, who is going to stand side by side with him and together, they will conquer the world. He buys in to that and he sets himself to go out to do it, pours himself in to it and he thinks in his little mind “I’m doing this for her – this is for you babe! Together, we’re gonna buy a house because I’m working hard and we’re going to raise our kids – because I’m working hard – and I’m going to provide for you” – and he thinks of that as his mission. Then it dawns on him she not only doesn’t appreciate that, she considers his job a competitor. She resents that work - instead of feeling like “well I appreciate what you're doing for us” – she sees the job as another woman, practically and that’s a blow to him when that comes.

JC: And if the man is reflective enough, he’ll see that he wasn’t doing it for her at all. He was doing it for himself. And he never faced that. That’s devastating. She’s faced it – “you're out doing that for you, it’s not for me”.

SC: Well a lot of time she’d be more willing to trade some of those things he’s providing, for time that she’d like to have from him.

JD: I’ve watched medical students go in to their post graduate education with great zeal – this is something we’re going to do together!” but by the junior year, the third year of school, the wife realizes “hey, I’ve been replaced. This guys’ married to medicine. This isn’t something we’re doing together, this is something he’s doing for himself. And furthermore, I’m a has been”. And divorces occur right there.

SC: And it happens to the seminary students we work with too. They realize their husband likes Hebrew & Greek and Theology more then he does with a relationship with them. Or he feels like he must put it first in order to get A’s at school.

JD: I hate to really bomb the men because I didn’t get the PHD without some sweat and you’ve got to work hard to make it in life. So what’s the answer? How do men take this challenge that they feel God has called them to, whether it’s the ministry or something else, without sacrificing what their wives need?

SC: It would be better if a seminary student took B’s and had one of his majors in personal relationships. Especially with his wife. Even if it took longer to finish school.

JD: I had to do that. There was a point in my doctorate program in USC that I felt the obligations in classwork had eroded my relationship with Shirley. We came to a point where I didn’t know her as well as I wanted to and I knew she needed me. I took a semester off in order to make contact with her again and cooled down my outside responsibilities because I wanted my family to be higher on my list of priorities. So we can do both.

JC: I think we need to point out to men that quite often the younger men is not focused on his direction. When he gets into his mid 40’s he’s going to throw a lot of junk away because he’s going to say “that’s a dumb thing, I wish I’d never started that”. If we can get them to focus in their mid 20’s then their not going to take on every job. i.e. working on doctoral program. If a professor says “I need someone to take on this project”, quite often a doctoral student will accept that project because politically it is an advantage for him. It may not be his interest, it may not be where he want to spend his time but he does it for a political end. If we can get people to focus away from their political ends and focus on their gifts & abilities and narrow, then they can take lesser amount of energy to accomplish without taking on the world.

SC: Some other things to help the woman get through it quicker – besides her husband being the right kind of guy. She too needs to look at her own gifts and abilities are. Yes, if she’s a mother right now & the children are still home, she’s got her priorities right in front of her. She too may have taken on an awful lot she doesn’t need, such as PTA, teaching or several things at church, to where she’s a fragmented person too. And she may be ready to throw it all over. Or she could be the other way to where she’s grown stale and doesn’t have any outside interests, kind of sogging away in front of the soaps every day. In any case, she needs to be evaluating what God intends for her to do with her time & abilities.

JD: Just as a husband has a responsibility to reserve some time effort & energy for his wife, no woman should depend on any man, including her husband, to meet her emotional needs. That was another very important milestone in my relationship with Shirley. No matter how loving I was, how attentive I was, how involved I was with the children, I was gone throughout the day and she needed more than that. And it was when she started to develop a ministry in the community, a whole network of friends and her conversation was not totally with me but with a lot of other people, then her world began to to open up. It’s a dual thing, staying alive emotionally.

SC: That’s right! Another thing you can be doing to help this time go smoother, is getting some guidance in helping her relationship with her children. They may be going through a traumatic time as teenagers, having their own identity & independence problems. If she can be understanding what they are going through so the relationship with them goes as smooth as possible, it will be helping her own time.

Aug 19, 2009

Paul Harvey Aurandt

I grew up listening to this man with my parents. One of those great childhood memories, his voice on the radio, that bring warm fuzzies. Good article I found on the Focus on the Family site -

Paul Harvey Aurandt was likely the most overlooked and understudied Christian evangelist on earth. His sermons, offered in the form of entertaining vignettes, poignant commentaries, and a million subtle asides, were often as powerful, insightful, and effective as the words spoken from the pulpits of America's most acclaimed preachers. His faith was the foundation of his life.

Anyone who brought it up to him received the same response, typical of a man of his generation. Scoffing at the suggestion that he had pastoral aspirations, he would say in a dismissive tone, the pulpit "is a responsibility infinitely higher than any to which I would aspire!"1 Yet, formal distinctions notwithstanding, Harvey's on-air evangelistic fervor was unmistakable and undeniable.

During his last appearance on CNN's Larry King Live in 2003, a caller asked Harvey about a "religious" television program he supposedly hosted in the 1960's. They actually were misremembering his daily three-minute television commentary. "Oh, bless your heart," Harvey responded in his typical folksy manner. "You're the first person who ever considered it a religious program."2 Turning to King, Harvey noted that in those newscasts, he was only attempting "to separate rightness and wrongness" — not to proselytize and convert. Many in Harvey's audience heard Judeo-Christian themes in it. At times it was subtle, like when he would refer to the "basic ten" rules of life —rather than quoting chapter and verse from Exodus of the Old Testament.3 There were other times when he was more explicit. Each year right before Easter, Harvey would offer the "shortest sermon you'll hear all year" — "Jesus lived a good life in a wicked world to show us it could be done. And he died. And he rose again. To show us . . .we could do that too."4

To be sure, Paul Harvey liked to talk and write about God. His faith not only shaped and framed his thoughts, but it also defined his view of the world and everything in it, both past, present, and future. "I am no preacher," he said, "but I am a student of history and therein our professions overlap. This is history. Jesus was born in Bethlehem less than two thousand years ago. Anybody could have known he would be . . . through the prophets of Israel, God spelled it out. Where He'd be born, how He would live, and when He would die — on a cross against a Galilean sky."5

He believed in the authority and authenticity of the scriptures. "There is but one lamp by which my feet are guided and that is the map of experience," he said. "This history book is the experience of the world. This is the Master Plan."6

"Men may ignore this history book or reject it," he reflected thoughtfully. "Scorn it, burn it, crown it with thorns, nail it to a stick. But when they have done their worst it will still be there. Judging them, shaming them, haunting them, calling out to them — Believe."7

Paul Harvey's demanding broadcast and speaking schedule always kept his circle of good friends small, but during the 1960's and 1970's, the Harveys enjoyed some delightful vacations with Dr. Billy Graham and his wife, Ruth. In his 1997 autobiography, Just as I Am, Graham referred to Harvey as his "best friend in the American media."8 And he had many. "He has always been very supportive of us and often keeps his many listeners informed about our work," Dr. Graham continued. "We have been guests in his home many times, with his delightful wife, Angel."9

Celebrities are always in danger of losing perspective when they reach a certain level in their career — it's the point that they begin to believe the hype from their own press clippings. For the Harveys, the Grahams were a source of accountability and reason during their meteoric ascent in those early days of national radio. Both Billy and Ruth helped keep the rising stars grounded in reality. But the relationship went both ways. "I used to worry about Billy," Paul reflected, "When he started out, there was all that adulation. I was worried he might be tilted off balance by it. But then I met Ruth. Then I relaxed, knowing he had that strength on which to lean."10

Most of the time, they were just a fun-loving, down-to-earth pair of couples who enjoyed traveling, visiting, playing, and eating together. When Lynne and Ruth would shop, Paul and Billy would golf — and regale friends with stories of their exploits on the links. They made quite the pair, these two tall and dashing high profile men. Though they loved to play the game, both often joked about how bad they were at it. Paul used to quip that "golf [was] a game in which you yell 'fore,' shoot six and write down five."11 Graham used to explain away his poor play by saying, "I never pray on a golf course. Actually, the Lord answers my prayers everywhere except on the course."12

During one particular vacation to the historic Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, the two men encountered a swarm of bugs while out on the course. "They were everywhere," Paul said, "and no matter how you batted at them with your hand, they'd still be there when you started to putt."13 Undeterred, the men played on. Paul described the scene. "The only thing that worked was to take the steel shaft of the club and arc it backward and forward at chest level. I don't know whether the reflected sunlight caused the insects some concern and made them disappear or not, but it sure worked the trick."14

Concerned about the appearance of such an alarming spectacle at the swanky resort, Harvey remembered confiding his embarrassment. "I remarked to Billy that the other folks on the course must have us classed as some sort of nuts, standing there flashing the golf clubs back and forth across our chests."15 In his classic dry drawl, Graham responded. "Oh no, they won't think that at all. They'll just say that those folks are down there with Billy Graham and he's already got them doing some sort of fanatical religious exercise."16

The Tulsan once remarked that the benefit of a clean vocabulary was that its owner would never have to worry about cursing in front of an open microphone. During a golf outing with Graham, Harvey remembered watching the great evangelist tee off, but only hit a dribbler fifty feet. "All the caddies waited to hear what kind of expletive he was going to utter," Paul said. "He turned and faced them and quoted the bible: 'That which the Lord hath decreed hath come to pass.' "17



1. Marc Fisher, "Still Going," American Journalism Review, October 1998, p. 31.
2. Paul Harvey, "Interview with Larry King," CNN's Larry King Live! June 22, 2003.
3. Paul Harvey, "America Needs Spiritual Revival," Jefferson City-Post Tribune, June 13, 1968.
4. Paul Harvey, Remember These Things, 18.
5. Paul Harvey, Autumn of Liberty, 188.
6. Ibid., 191.
7. Ibid., 192.
8. Bill Graham, Just as I Am (CA: Harper San Francisco, 1997).
9. Ibid.
10. Ruth Graham was Husband's Anchor, But Shined on Her Own," The Asheville Citizen-Times, June 15, 2007, p. B4.
11. Paul Harvey, 1918-2009; "About the Game,", see: (Assessed March 22, 2009)
12. David Briggs, "Church Has Stiff Sunday Competition: The Grass is Greener on the Fairways," Constitution Tribune, May 12, 1994, p.2.
13. Bill Williams, "Paul Harvey Likes to 'Play Down the Middle,' " Gastonia Gazette, September 27, 1967, p.25.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.


Excerpted from Good Day! The Paul Harvey Story. Copyright © 2009 by Paul Batura. Used by permission of Regnery Publishers, Inc. Excerpt may not be reproduced without the prior consent of the publisher.

Aug 14, 2009

When to marry, that is the question

This was in response to a question posted on a blog about whether encouraging young adults to wait for marriage was a good thing. Are we robbing them of good training and "bonding" as a couple, not withstanding life's first struggles together. Interesting question. By the way, I heard our government is spending $5 million to promote marriage from the ages of 18 - 30 because "marriage" has fallen by the wayside.

We have 5 children. Our 2 eldest, girls, are in high school. From birth, they've heard "high school, college, travel, career or job (at what you love doing), boyfriend/love/marriage, family". Why? Because, being married alone is very hard & deep work. Having a family, even more. Debt, more. Trouble will come. Paul himself said there is a benefit to being single. An ability to concentrate on life & goals, that you don't always have in marriage. Our goal is to encourage our girls to take the time to get to know themselves, invest in their minds, their beings, find security & confidence, before they pledge themselves to someone for life.

There is something to be said about life experience. Understanding. With or without God - life itself teaches an amazing class. We change through that and as an older, mature, life and/or college educated person, the hope is, you will be able to shoulder life's trauma better, whether alone or with a spouse. However, as many of us know, there are no guarantees and exceptions to almost every rule. We are human.

Aug 13, 2009

Killing Us All, One Abbreviation at a Time

I found this on a blog - EXCELLENT! I'm sending it to everyone!

Webspeak: Killing Us All, One Abbreviation at a Time
by Melanie Yarbrough
7/13/2009 5:50:00 AM

While I was still at Emerson College, I ventured into the basement of the Little Building to use the gym, and I watched a disturbing newscast on “Webspeak.” This article more clearly spells out (pun intended) the worrisome aspects of this coded language, specifically because of the divide it creates between parents and their children, let alone intelligence and its counterpart (I also learned that NIFOC is code for “nude in front of computer”—what unnecessary information). Apparently, middle school and high school kids, the likes of which I had long been separated from, had taken to using IM and text message shorthand (i.e. BRB for “be right back”) in their academic papers and even in their SAT essays. I actually said, “WHAT?” out loud as I walked on the treadmill. I had just transferred from Georgia State University to Emerson to study Writing, Literature and Publishing. I had taken out an ungodly amount in loans (the first of several) in the quest to make language my life. I wanted to figure out how to say things that everyone could understand and relate to via my fiction. At GSU, my fiction classes felt like training for a hobby, something to do on the weekends when I had grown tired of crocheting or needlepoint. I had come to Emerson to reach out to the world that knew that fiction could be so much more than mindless entertainment; in fact, that it was essential to keeping life from becoming one big mindless pursuit. And here were these kids fighting against everything that my ideal profession stood for. If they’re busy creating this new language that automatically excludes a large portion of the population, what is the point in trying to communicate anymore? If everything could be reduced to their first letters, why write stories or novels or poetry anymore? WHY WAKE UP IN THE MORNING?

I eventually calmed down and found the silver lining to seeing this unsettling newscast: I couldn’t go to the gym anymore. But mainly, it made me hyperaware of the usage of these abominations to the English language (a similar, though not equal, offense to overuse of hyperbole). I should say that Emerson College is home to the people in the world who didn’t quite fit into normal molds. Not a bad thing, though not necessarily a good thing, this is the reason for most of the sarcasm and irony that encases Emerson almost as much as the cigarette smoke in front of the buildings. So it came as no surprise that many of the students would occasionally exclaim, “BRB” as they were walking away or “LOL” instead of Actually. Laughing. Out. Loud. And though it was hilarious, whatever that means, the first five thousand and two times these ironies were voiced, it quickly got old. And older. I’m of the religion that ironic over usage cancels itself out and becomes, simply, usage.

So, this rant is just to say: be careful. Be very careful. And even if it’s spelled wrong, spell out what you want to say. And if something’s funny, do us all a favor and just LAUGH.

Manage your internet

I hit the permalink button. Refresh. What? Does? It? Do? Cuz it looks like nothin'. Okay, read about it on Wikipedia, don't quite grasp the concept so forget that.

Just click the Post RSS link, it goes to a new google page which asks me if I want to post this to Google Homepage (huh?) or Google Reader (wha?)...

I turn to Matt, holding my head - "I can't keep track of it anymore I say". He says "what?". "Well, there's all these sites & pages to manage - I mean, I have GMail, then there's my blogspot, FaceBook - I'm NOT even doing the twitter thing - now Google Homepage or Google REader? Do I just use Gmail chat or Google talk? How do I choose? How do I get it everywhere?"

Not to mention, the Outlook mail and the Google mail. Or, which browser? Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera?

Do I internet search through Yahoo or Google? Hmmmmmm, not always the same results.

Okay... now digg it? Blog it? FB it? Stumble Upon it? My eyes are reeling into the back of my skull at the options facing me on the page....

Aug 10, 2009

Elliotts Tire in Woodinville

This is a website for reviewing businesses. We were taken for about $3000 at Elliott's in Woodinville and it took several visits AND finding out later they had started a fire in the van but didn't tell us about it, to realize they were a huge risk. I put in detail the things this shop did to both of our cars and after the fire, we stay away from them. Many people have had similar bad experiences here so I am sending out the info.

Aug 7, 2009

The Knight of the Old Code

Ahhhh, to find men like this again to walk the earth...

A knight is sworn to valor.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His word speaks only truth.
His wroth undoes the wicked.

A Code of Chivalry

Prowess: To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a knight, martial and otherwise, seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.

Justice: Seek always the path of 'right', unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy. If the 'right' you see rings agrees with others, and you seek it out without bending to the temptation for expediency, then you will earn renown beyond measure.

Loyalty: Be known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them.

Defense: The ideal knight was sworn by oath to defend his liege lord and those who depended upon him. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those to whom you believe worthy of loyalty.

Courage: Being a knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value. At the same time, a knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, or the pure truth can bring grief.

Faith: A knight must have faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair that human failings create.

Humility: Value first the contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds. In this way the office of knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of but also all who call themselves knights.

Largesse: Be generous in so far as your resources allow; largesse used in this way counters gluttony. It also makes the path of mercy easier to discern when a difficult decision of justice is required.

Nobility: Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust towards the heavens. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.

Franchise: Seek to emulate everything I have spoken of as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.

Bill Cosby the Candidate


(1) 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language. Speak it or wait at the border until you can.

(2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, no exports. We will use the Wal-Mart policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.'

(3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it.

(4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border (six month tour). They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens...

(5) Social security will immediately return to its original state.. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. Neither the president nor any other politician will be able to touch it.

(6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful completion of urinalysis and a passing grade.

(7) Professional Athletes--Steroids. The FIRST time you check positive you're banned for life.

(8) Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There are no more life sentences. If convicted of murder, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for your victim; gun, knife, strangulation, etc.

(9) One export will be allowed, Wheat. The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.

(10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.

(11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.

(12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes


Bill Cosby

Aug 6, 2009

For the Men in my life...

In the unfortunate or warranted event you need this info: (I crack myself up!)

Removing Super Glue

Super Glue is renowned the world over for the strength of its bonds, its versatility of use, and easy application. Whether a hole needs a seal or a crack needs repairing, Super Glue is the first thing that craftspersons, hobbyists, and contractors use for all their construction or repair needs.

Because Super Glue is so strong and bonds so fast, some people may find that they have accidentally glued two fingers together, or found that that small piece of balsa wood or plastic from a model they were building has completely bonded to their skin! Not to worry, for even though Super Glue is incredibly strong, it has one weakness: acetone.

Acetone is often found in household nail polish remover, and a small amount on the end of a Q-tip or cotton swab applied directly to the glue should dissolve the bond without damaging the skin. Be very cautious in gently peeling the skin apart as in removing a bandage from the skin; pulling the skin apart may rip the skin! Read the label to make sure that the remover actually contains acetone, as more and more manufacturers are turning away from the chemical because of the growing popularity of acrylic nails (which are loosened by acetone).

Be careful - straight acetone will discolor a number of fabrics and can mar the finish of laminated counter tops (mainly the darker colored ones). Straight Acetone defats the skin; wash with soap and water after use and apply hand lotion to replenish the skin and remove any dryness effects. Use acetone sparingly and cautiously with these tips in the following situations:

* Clothing/Fabrics
Use acetone and an old toothbrush, reapplying the acetone a number of times and brushing to remove it layer-by-layer. Work on outside and then on inside. May not come off entirely.
* Counters, tables, floors, etc.
Use acetone to soften glue and then start working at the glue. Brush, scrape, shave, peel, sand or whatever mechanical means is available to work the glue off. Reapply acetone and continue to work at the glue.
* Glass
Standard Super Glue is not recommended to be used for glass bonding applications. If bonded, soak in water until parts come apart.

The best suggestion is to properly cover your work area with metal foil before use - and always work with Super Glue and other adhesives in a well-ventilated area!

Should Super Glue bond to any body part where acetone should not be applied, such as the lips or eyes, the following steps will help you get out of any sticky situation!

* Skin
Immerse bonded areas in warm, soapy water. Peel or roll skin apart; a spatula or teaspoon handle or even a pencil will help. Remove cured adhesive with warm, soapy water (may take several applications). Fingernail polish remover with an acetone base has also been successful for removal of cured adhesive from skin.
* Lips
If lips are accidentally stuck together, apply a generous amount of warm water and encourage maximum wetting and pressure from saliva from inside the mouth. Peel or roll (do not pull) lips apart. It is almost impossible to swallow the adhesive as a liquid. The adhesive solidifies upon contact with saliva (moisture) and could adhere to the inside of the mouth. Saliva will lift the adhesive in 1-2 days, avoid swallowing the adhesive after detachment.
* Eyelid
In the event that eyelids are stuck together or bonded to the eyeball, wash thoroughly with warm water and apply a gauze patch. The eye will open without further action within 1-4 days. To our knowledge there has never been a documented case of adhesive in the eye causing permanent damage. Do not try to force eyes open.
* Eyeball
The adhesive will attach itself to the eye protein and will disassociate from it over time, usually within several hours. Periods of weeping and double vision may be experienced until clearance is achieved. Use of a warmed 3% sodium bicarbonate solution to wash eyes repeatedly may assist in aiding more rapid removal of the adhesive.


Conquer Fear of Speaking in Public

HP Learning Center:

If you hate public speaking, you’re not alone. In surveys of the top phobias, the fear of public speaking (glossophobia) ranks number one worldwide – ahead of the fear of spiders, heights, flying and even death. In fact, three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety.

The good news is that public speaking is a skill that can be learned and mastered. We’ve compiled some best practices and proven strategies that will help you fight presentation anxiety the next time you have to speak before an audience.

Accept and tame your fear

Start by accepting that you get nervous every time you have to speak in public; it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Now confront your fear by making an effort to do something about it. The worst thing you can do is avoid public speaking altogether. This could have an adverse effect on your career and intensify the fear.

Get rid of perfection

Stop pressuring yourself to deliver a perfect speech. After all, it is just a talk. And if you stumble a bit, you’re probably not going to lose your job. Accept that mistakes will happen. When they do, try to regain your composure quickly and move past it. Chances are, no one will even notice.

Know your material

You will only really feel confident if you truly know your subject matter. Most likely, you are already an expert on the topic about which you are speaking. So capitalize on the fact that you have valuable knowledge to share. If you are not familiar with the topic, do your research and prepare until you feel confident that you can handle any questions that might come up. Get excited about the subject. If the subject matter is boring, inject an anecdote or quotation or a human interest element.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Nobody is a born pianist. One must learn how to play the piano and practice countless hours in order to do it gracefully and effortlessly. Likewise, good speakers aren’t born, they’re made. So the next time you give a speech, give yourself plenty of time to prepare, organize the material, practice delivering it and polish it before you face the audience. Remember, the more often you speak in public, the better you’ll get.

Focus on your audience

Instead of putting the focus on yourself and worrying about what other people think of you, turn the focus onto your audience. Smile, make eye contact. Encourage interaction by drawing them into your presentation and asking leading questions. Not only does this make you a more dynamic and engaging speaker, it also helps take the pressure and eyes off you.

Picture success

Stop visualizing a disastrous performance. You’ll only make yourself more nervous, and your brain will automatically associate public speaking with negative emotions. Instead, replace these negative images with images of success. Picture yourself standing confidently in front of a crowd and delivering a great speech. Doing this will turn negative associations into positive ones and help to program your brain and your body for success.

Look and feel your best

If you go into your speech feeling and looking good, it will help you feel more relaxed and confident when you face your audience. Try to get enough sleep the night before so you are as well rested as possible. Don’t eat too much right before your talk. Wear a favorite outfit, something flattering that you feel comfortable and confident in.

If you want to practice speaking in public but without the pressure of speaking in professional situations, consider joining a local Toastmasters International chapter. This non-profit public speaking and leadership organisation helps you practice speaking in a supportive environment with constructive feedback from your peers.

For more career and personal development tips and courses, visit the HP Learning Center.

Aug 5, 2009

Bringing Up Boys - Divet

Good analogy & advice.

James Dobson

"What should we do when we have lashed out and said something that has damaged a child? The answer is, we should repair the damage as quickly as possible.

I have many fanatic golfing friends who have tried vainly to teach me their crazy game. They never give up, even though it's a lost cause. One of them told me that I should immediately replace the divet, after digging another hole with my club. He said that the quicker I could get the tuft of grass back in place, the faster it's roots would reconnect. My friend was talking about golf, but I was thinking about people. When you have hurt someone, whether a child, a spouse or a colleague, you must dress the wound before infection sets in. Apologize if appropriate, talk it out, seek to reconcile. The longer the divet bakes in the sun, the smaller the chances will be for it's recovery.

Isn't that a wonderful thought? Apostle Paul wrote "Do not let the sun go down on your anger". That scripture has often been applied to husbands and wives but I think it is just as valid with children."

Aug 1, 2009

A moment of Parental Transformation

We prepared for a trip to the lake today. I packed up our 3 oldest girls (15, 13 & 10) for a quick trip to Safeway.

As our cute young MALE checker was processing our groceries, my mother bell went off as I noticed TWO quick glances to my right (his left) - I realized, in the direction of my daughters. Who I had already noticed, were very fetching in their beach "garb".

"hmpf", I thought.

I paid for the groceries, now thinking this young guy was not THAT cute - or too cute for my girls - or too...old? Anyway, we exited Safeway.

A big truck was slowly driving out. I led our little pack toward the parking lot and looked up in time to see, the driver look past me at - the girls.

So I quickly came up with a few quick rules:

If you are old enough to hold a job - you are too old for my daughter.

If you are old enough to drive, you are definitely too old for my daughter.

If you are old enough to SHAVE, you are too old for my daughter.

And, this is the most important -

If you are old enough to date ME - you are TOO OLD for my daughters!

Put your eyeballs back in your head, move along -

There is NOTHING to see here! ;P

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