told me a story he heard on John Curley last night about a teenage boy
who shot & killed his mom and sister. Something to do with being
talked to rudely and treated badly. I am not condoning the killing one
iota but it made me sad & reflect on our own household interactions
of of all girls and one boy & my interaction in classrooms, watching
the male/female structure.
I am a female, obviously - yet instead of
siding with the female wiles & ways, I have repeatedly been angered
by girls in general are snotty, rude and catty to boys. We treat them
like they are stupid from a very young age & females act superior.
This is not very smart in adolescence when a boy is attempting to become
a man and doesn't want to put up with your vile tongue any longer. You
might just get punched. But what happens? The girls are not
disciplined for their rudeness and snide comments. They are considered
cute & assertive! No, the boy is punished for his natural physical
Girls rule the day, the classroom, the home and boys are
constantly, for years on end, subjected to nastiness, hurt by verbal
lashing and then punished for pushing back. And us women, teachers in
the classroom, lead this behavior - by our own personal example
sometimes - or the constant unspoken expectation that boys will be more
like girls. But we want strong men? How's that working for us?
Hi! I recently followed a comment you made on a blog article I wrote about raising boys...and I ended up here! And yes...Medford Oregon. Oh you work at Hedrick? haha. Anyway, I think you have a very interesting outlook, working in a classroom. I agree. We should never, ever expect boys to be like girls. Big mistake. Big.
I am. Inspired by music & God's mercy in my life. Inspired by speed - fast cars, fast jets - I want to fly. Actually fly. I have movies, not dreams. My brain is constantly moving - even at night. I am an analyzer. I love strongly. My cohort describes me as "passionate", in all I do. Even Dance Dance Revolution.
I am a good friend. My heritage encompasses nature, spirituality, the unseen life - the lens. I am a soulful creature. Everything has meaning and nothing is irrelevant. Sometimes this is a curse.
I write. And I love it. I am Words.
The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.
- Ramakrishna
Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Great great run tonight! Awww felt good. Cool breeze, steady pace, didn't
even notice the hills very much because the music was good and my mind was
busy, ...
1 comment:
Hi! I recently followed a comment you made on a blog article I wrote about raising boys...and I ended up here! And yes...Medford Oregon. Oh you work at Hedrick? haha. Anyway, I think you have a very interesting outlook, working in a classroom. I agree. We should never, ever expect boys to be like girls. Big mistake. Big.
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