The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
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Jan 16, 2010

10 Useless Facts To Impress Your Mates With (The Art of Manliness)

This woman stands impressed. I am a Guiness lover (must be the pure Irish in my blood), I do NOT iron (probably haven't even made it to 1/2 mile), love the info on WD-40!, looking forward to my first trip to LV - windows or not; and could have done without the turtle info.

1. ''The Guiness brewery in Dublin, Ireland has a 6,000 year lease on the property, which should mean the gross but nice when your drunk stout will be safe for another few years.''

2. ''The average woman does 215 miles worth of ironing in her lifetime.''

3. ''20th century fox unsuccessfully sued Universal for copyright infringement, they claimed that Battle Star Galactica stole 34 ideas from Star Wars, childish or what, as if George Lucas needs the cash anyway!''

4. ''The 'WD' in WD-40 stands for 'Water Displacement' yeah I bet you really wanted to know that didn't you?''

5. ''The Titum Arum flower is the largest flower in the world, and it gives off an odour similar to rotting flesh when it blooms. Yeah definitely wouldn't give one to the wife.''

6. ''In Las Vegas, casinos don't have any windows or clocks, why? it's so you lose all sense of time and stay longer and spend more of you hard earned cash.''

7. ''A man named Charles Osbourne had the hiccups for an incredible 69 years, then died 1 year after he finally got rid of them, talk about unlucky!''

8. ''There are at least 6 fictional characters that have stars on hollywood's walk of fame, here are a few:''
Bugs Bunny
Donald Duck
The Lone Ranger
Snow White
Rin Tin Tin
9. ''A turtle can breath through its anus, which is probably one of evolutions biggest pranks, and I'll never look at the ninja turtles in the same light again!''

10. ''The first ever product to be scanned with a barcode was a packet of Wrigley's gum on June 26th 1974.''

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