By: Andrew Keane:
It’s the F word question that all parents now dread. “Can I go on Facebook?” your eleven year-old bullies you over dinner, declaring that absolutely everybody else in her class is not only on Facebook, but also on Twitter as well as Bebo and Orkut and other peculiarly named social networks.
So how should parents in today’s social media age deal with the F word question? Is social networking bad for children’s brains? Should we allow our kids to freely expose their identities on the Internet?
It’s not an easy question, especially for parents who love their kids but fear the perils of the Internet. I had the good fortune to spend all of yesterday at Los Angeles’ Terranea hotel discussing this thorny issue of children and social networking with a group of technology mavens, many of whom are also parents of young children. We were at an event called Play It 4-Ward - choreographed by the Santa Monica based Generate Media and sponsored by Ford Motor Company and Microsoft - a soon to be broadcasted show on MSN which addressed some of the most pressing social issues associated with the Internet and electronic gaming.
I found myself on a panel with three other dads, each with dramatically different views of the impact of social networks on their kids. My group comprised Stanley Kirk Burrell, otherwise known as MC Hammer, the pop rap artist who has sold more than 30 million records; Chris Kelly, Facebook’s Chief Privacy Officer who is currently running for the District Attorney position in California, the state’s most powerful legal position; and John Salley, a four time winner of the National Basketball Assocation (NBA) championship and now a popular host on the Fox Sports Network television programme The Best Sports Show.
The only thing MC Hammer, Chris Kelly, John Salley and myself had in common was that we were all parents. About the Internet, especially on the F word question, we couldn’t have disagreed more.
The biggest contrast was between the technophile MC Hammer and the sceptical John Salley. Social networks, the 47 year-old Hammer – who has six children of his own - argued, represented the best way for kids to learn about the world. According to Hammer, therefore, parents who want their kids to learn about the world have a responsibility to allow them to be on social networks. Thus, Hammer’s eleven year-old son, is not only on Facebook, but also Twitter where he has over 1,000 followers.
Salley – who played on NBA championship winning teams with the Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls – had an entirely different pedagogical take on the value of social networks. For this dad, the Internet is killing rather than fostering intelligence. Salley argued that social networks failed to educate kids about the real world, substituting the trivia of video games for books, and promoting a mindless consumerism over serious learning. The best defence against social media, Salley argued, were Montessori or Waldorf educational principles which outlawed computers in the classroom and strongly disapproved of parents allowing kids to go online at home.
Like any Harvard University educated lawyer running for public office, Chris Kelly – who prior to his Facebook gig worked in the Clinton administration - was harder to ideologically nail down than either Salley or Hammer. While Kelly acknowledged that his one-year old was obsessed with playing with his iPhone (presumably not an entirely healthy preoccupation for a human being this new to the world), he did argue that children should never confuse Facebook with real life. And so the consummate lawyer Kelly cleverly circumvented the F word question by arguing – a little disingenuously in my opinion - that since social media websites like Facebook aggressively distinguishes between real world and online community, the impact of these networks is actually minimal on children.
For my argument, I borrowed some ideas from Baroness Susan Greenfield, the techno-sceptical Oxford Professor of neuroscience and the Director of the Royal Institute. It’s the controversial Baroness Greenfield who argues that electronic media, especially social networking sites, are replacing children’s deep cognitive skills with short-term sensory ones, thereby trivializing their notion of real friendship and community. Like John Salley, therefore, my answer to the F question was a resounding, albeit theoretical, no!
My guess is that most parents reading this will be more ambivalent than MC Hammer, John Salley or I about the pedagogical and moral impact of Facebook and Twitter on their children. On the one hand, these networks are the hottest in-thing now for kids and completely banning them from social media is unnecessarily cruel and reactive; on the other hand, it’s hard to dispute at least some of Baroness Greenfield’s observations about the impact of electronic media on the brain and the way in which social networking can dumb down a real friendship and community.
The most problematic issue of all is the way in which social networks undermine the privacy of our children. While Chris Kelly would argue that we all have the power to calibrating the privacy settings within Facebook, he forgets that most kids and parents aren’t skilled in customizing the interface of their social network. And so the truth about today’s digital generation is that they are increasingly leading de facto public existences in which often the most intimate details of their lives are being broadcasted throughout the world on relatively open networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Unfortunately, most parents don’t have the luxury of being able to send their kids to Montessori or Waldorf schools, where they will be responsibly educated by trained teachers about the perils of electronic media. Even more troublingly, with the increasing prevalence of mobile phones which double as always-on social networking tools, even the most scrupulous parents can’t electronically police their kids 24 hours a day.
And so we have to hope that the rapper MC Hammer is, at least, partially right about the intellectual benefits of Facebook and Twitter on the mental life of our kids. Social media is the rock ‘n' roll of the early 21st century. For better or worse, our children are now living their lives on the electronic network, posting their photos, revealing their desires, making their friends, defining their identities.
The F word question, then, should be the beginning rather than the end of parents’ conversations with their kids. No, social networks probably shouldn’t be banned. But yes, parents do have a responsibility to at least try to educate their kids about the perils of self-revelation and over-reliance on social media. The most sensible position for parents is half-way between the permissive MC Hammer and the extremely cautious John Salley. The truth about social networks is that there is no truth. The technology is neither intrinsically good nor evil. It all depends on how our kids use it.
The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.
- Ramakrishna
Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
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