The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Oct 13, 2010

First Miner makes his way up 1/2 mile

How could I not be a conduit of this video. We don't watch TV and I rarely see the news. I didn't even know the miners were down there for 69 days. You think your little life difficulty is a doozy? Can you imagine being trapped for 69 days, not sure if you'll see your family again - the family, this little son, not sure if he'll see his father again? The tears of the boy hit me. Great great great story of human perseverance - the emotion on the engineer, for people he may/may not have known (I don't know) that are living because of his ability to build something to get them out & home. Fabulous.

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