The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Dec 16, 2011

Ken Davis: Grandparents

"I have granddaughters. When they enter the room, they run straight to me. They fly through the air, on angel wings, on fairy wings. I scoop them up and they whisper in my ear "I love you Grandpa".

I have 2 demon possessed Grandsons. They do not fly through the air, they do not slow down, they don't leave the ground. 65 miles per hour - they put their head down. "What's wrong?" they ask. "Grandpa has fallen and can't get up". There is nothing so painful as being greeted by your grandsons.

Grandchildren attack without warning - and I love every minute of it."

Ken Davis, Comedian - Lighten Up & Live

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