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Jan 27, 2010

WHO defends its swine flu warning

I think it's concerning how easily and how many people on this earth are so easily swayed to inject or injest new drugs into their bodies and their children's bodies. Where is our questioning, our waiting, our observing, our protecting of ourselves and our bodies, our minds? This report is not a surprise to me - it's exactly what I said this "pandemic" was about when it started - money for the drug companies and it seemed so obvious to me. The WHO declares a pandemic, creating fear across the world population and money is immediately funded from the government to the pharmaceutical companies to rapidly create this new vaccine. Bans on mercury in vaccines are lifted - because it's a pandemic and they must get it out! Ads are run in the media, creating fear over the "flu" in general - something that happens every year. Children have been injected with the mercury laden vaccines, which effects will not show up in them for years to come. I feel frustration at things that to me appear to be common sense. Yet, we allow ourselves and our children (which we have no right...) to be guinea pigs to these companies who's only interest is their own testing, their own pockets and we are collateral damage in their free experimental lab. The large organizations (and governments) in this world are about profit - and it shouldn't be a secret that the drug companies are one of the largest. From

"Americans now spend a staggering $200 billion a year on prescription drugs, and that figure is growing at a rate of about 12 percent a year (down from a high of 18 percent in 1999)"

When money is driving the reason, we should all stand back and question what's being shoved down our throats or pushed into our bloodstream. Money is donated to the legislators from those companies. We know how it works. They all sleep together.

This is in the same line as the irresponsibility of the medical world and it's release of highly addictive pain killers that has created it's own "pandemic" of addictions across this nation over the last 8 years, the question about the safety of vaccines - the reports that you will never see an actual scientific report indicating vaccines are dangerous because there is too much money wrapped up in the "facts" that they are necessary. The report or question as to why no one has started a class action lawsuit yet for the pain killers that are pushed with no supervision from most of the medical world, that are creating addicts and who's deaths have now superceded moter vehicle deaths in this nation. We must question those that tell us it's necessary for our own good or our children's own good. Those that "control" have their own interests at heart and I do not want myself or my family to be "expendable", as the Clone Troopers on Star Wars :) (thank you Ryan!).

More from that article:

"What does the eight-hundred-pound gorilla do? Anything it wants to. ...but from 1980 to 2000, they tripled. They now stand at more than $200 billion a year. The claim that drugs are a $200 billion industry is an understatement. According to government sources, that is roughly how much Americans spent on prescription drugs in 2002. That figure refers to direct consumer purchases at drugstores and mail-order pharmacies (whether paid for out of pocket or not), and it includes the nearly 25 percent markup for wholesalers, pharmacists, and other middlemen and retailers. But it does not include the large amounts spent for drugs administered in hospitals, nursing homes, or doctors' offices (as is the case for many cancer drugs).. But they do not include the revenues of middlemen and retailers.

Perhaps the most quoted source of statistics on the pharmaceutical industry, IMS Health, estimated total worldwide sales for prescription drugs to be about $400 billion in 2002. About half were in the United States. So the $200 billion colossus is really a $400 billion megacolossus.

No flu or swine flu shots in our house this year.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has defended its handling of the swine flu pandemic last year, after the Council of Europe cast doubt on its actions.

Countries rushed to order thousands of vaccine doses when the pandemic was declared in June, but the virus proved to be relatively mild.

The WHO's links to drug companies were questioned at a hearing by the Council of Europe's health committee.

A WHO flu expert denied there had been improper influence from drug firms.

The WHO's Keiji Fukuda told a hearing in Strasbourg: "Let me state clearly for the record - the influenza pandemic policies and responses recommended and taken by WHO were not improperly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry."

When a pandemic was declared last June most European countries changed their health priorities to accommodate thousands of expected patients, including spending millions of euros on vaccines for H1N1.
“ We feel we should move quickly. Our purpose is to try to provide guidance, to try to reduce harm ”
Keiji Fukuda WHO flu expert

A number of European governments signed contracts with drug companies to buy vaccines.

But it has since become clear that although 14,000 people worldwide died from swine flu, and millions more were infected, it is a mild flu with a lower mortality than seasonal influenza.

Allegations from politicians and media about links with drug companies have prompted an internal review at the WHO and the Council of Europe hearings.

Dr Fukuda rejected comparisons between seasonal flu and swine flu - describing them as like comparing oranges to apples.

Seasonal flu figures were based on statistical models, whereas every swine flu death had been confirmed in a laboratory, he said.

He said the WHO response had not been perfect, but a range of experts - including some in the private sector - had been consulted and there had been safeguards to prevent a conflict of interest.

"We are under no illusions that this response was the perfect response," Dr Fukuda said.

"But we do not wait until [these global virus outbreaks] have developed and we see that lots of people are dying. What we try and do is take preventive actions. If we are successful no-one will die, no-one will notice anything," he added.

"We feel we should move quickly. Our purpose is to try to provide guidance, to try to reduce harm," he said.

Part of the WHO review would examine if there was a better way to define outbreaks and severity, Dr Fukuda said.

Story from BBC NEWS:

1 comment:

Pete Chadwell said...

I'm not sure what lifting the ban on thimerasol has to do with getting the drug out any faster. That sounds a little fishy to me, for sure.

We haven't worried a bit about either the swine flu or the "regular" flu… we never get those shots and unless you're in a high risk category, it seems prudent to me to avoid it. It's just not worth the risk.

But I'm perplexed by the continued fear of thimerasol given that, unless our pediatrician was flat lying to us or was herself lied to (either of which, I suppose, is entirely possible) thimerasol has been absent from the routine inoculations for a number of years. Mid-90s, maybe? Haven't we discussed this? Granted, swine flu shots were not routine and so probably would have contained thimerasol.

I think whatever ban there may have been on thimerasol was really targeted at the routine childhood vaccines. Again, according to our pediatrician, other less-commonly used vaccines that might sit on the shelf for a while, might still contain thimerasol.

Anyway, I agree with the overall point here. We need to be much more skeptical and ask critically-minded questions about these kinds of things. Be informed. Getting vaccinations ought never to be treated as "routine". We decided to vaccinate our kids, but we considered the issue carefully.


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