The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Feb 22, 2012

Sometimes Busyness Can Wait - 105.3 Tom

"While framing photos of my daughters for our “memory hallway,” both girls were at my feet, inviting me to read books with them on the floor.

Funny how I put pictures in frames, so as to save memories, when the connection my heart is longing to find is in plain sight. Sometimes such opportunities appear like inconveniences because they come at the expense of “productivity.” But when I bend down, wrap my daughters in my arms, smell their hair, kiss their temples and tell them how much their young lives bring me joy, my inevitable reward is the tender look of trust and safety in their eyes. I think the pictures and the laundry can wait."

Tom of Tom & Sarah - 105.3 Spirit

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