The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...

The driver of tomorrow is not thinking Green...
He's thinking Classic. (click on photo)


Blog Archive

Aug 1, 2009

A moment of Parental Transformation

We prepared for a trip to the lake today. I packed up our 3 oldest girls (15, 13 & 10) for a quick trip to Safeway.

As our cute young MALE checker was processing our groceries, my mother bell went off as I noticed TWO quick glances to my right (his left) - I realized, in the direction of my daughters. Who I had already noticed, were very fetching in their beach "garb".

"hmpf", I thought.

I paid for the groceries, now thinking this young guy was not THAT cute - or too cute for my girls - or too...old? Anyway, we exited Safeway.

A big truck was slowly driving out. I led our little pack toward the parking lot and looked up in time to see, the driver look past me at - the girls.

So I quickly came up with a few quick rules:

If you are old enough to hold a job - you are too old for my daughter.

If you are old enough to drive, you are definitely too old for my daughter.

If you are old enough to SHAVE, you are too old for my daughter.

And, this is the most important -

If you are old enough to date ME - you are TOO OLD for my daughters!

Put your eyeballs back in your head, move along -

There is NOTHING to see here! ;P

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